Vital Substances & Combinations
Purchase ready-to-sell White Label and Private Label Vital Substances & Combinations as Food Supplements.
Im vielseitigen Produktportfolio von TINY Technologies finden Sie zahlreiche Nahrungsergänzungsmittel mit Vitalstoffen und Vitalstoff-Kombinationen aus natürlichen Rohstoffquellen. Von 5-HTP bis hin zu Omega 3: TINY Technologies bietet Ihnen verkaufsfertige ready-to-use Gesundheits-Liquids für White Label und Private Label an. Bei uns erwerben Sie Ihre gewünschten Produkte als verkaufsfertige Flüssigkeiten, welche Sie sofort unter Ihrer Marke im eigenen Corporate Design im Endverbrauchermarkt anbieten können. Entdecken Sie jetzt die hocheffizienten Produkte und Vitalstoff-Kombinationen von TINY Technologies.
Highly efficient liquid for women’s health. Relieves discomfort around the period.
TINY Omega 3 + Black Cumin
Highly efficient health liquid. Supports blood circulation and the immune system.
TINY Omega 3 – Vanilla
Highly efficient health liquid. Supports the circulation.
TINY Omega-3 – Rosemary
Highly efficient health liquid. Supports the circulation.
TINY L-tryptophan
Highly efficient health liquid. Supports nerve and cell health.
TINY Collages
Dietary supplement to support healthy tissue.
TINY Coenzyme Q10 + B12 + Omega 3
Highly efficient health liquid. Supports energy metabolism.
TINY Coenzyme Q10 + Aloe Vera
Highly efficient health liquid. Supports energy metabolism and skin.
TINY Coenzyme Q10 – Ubiquinol
Highly efficient health liquid. Supports energy metabolism.
Highly efficient feel-good liquid. Supports balance and contentment.
TINY Coenzyme Q10
Highly efficient health liquid. Supports energy metabolism.
TINY Omega 3
Highly efficient health liquid. Supports the circulation.
To support the circulation and energy metabolism: health liquids as dietary supplements.
Die Einnahme mehrerer miteinander kombinierter Vitalstoffe hat in bestimmten Fällen den Vorteil, dass sich deren Wirkung gegenseitig verstärkt (Entourage-Effekt). Aus diesem Grund hat TINY Technologies auch viele sorgsam ausgewählte, bewährte Vitalstoff-Kombinationen im White Label und Private Label-Produktportfolio: Von hocheffizientem PMS Öl aus erlesenen Inhaltsstoffen wie Borretschsamen, Pfefferminze, Fenchelsamen und Kurkuma für Frauengesundheit über Omega-3-Fettsäuren zur Unterstützung von Herz und Kreislauf¹ bis zu Kollagen, das für elastisches Bindegewebe und eine straffe Haut sorgt.
Like all TINY products, the vital substances and food supplement combinations are absorbed by the body faster and in higher quantities than conventional products because they are in a formulation based on one of the TINYsphere® technologies.
Would like a Private Label for Dietary Supplements Or Are You Looking For Highly Effective Products?
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Frequently asked Questions
[1] Ruxton CH, Reed SC, Simpson MJ, Millington KJ. The health benefits of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: a review of the evidence. J Hum Nutr Diet. 2004 Oct;17(5):449-59
What are vital substances?
Vital nutrients such as vitamins, amino acids and other minerals are essential nutrients that the body needs to function optimally. They provide energy, support metabolism, promote growth and tissue repair. In addition, vital substances and minerals are important for numerous biochemical processes in the body. Although the body absorbs many important nutrients through food, deficiencies can sometimes occur if the diet is not balanced enough. In this case, in order to support health, it is advisable to take dietary supplements.